When we typically hear the word acid, we inevitably think about corrosive substances that do damage to the body and most other materials. But hyaluronic acid is different. In fact, it’s produced naturally by the body and plays an important role in its hydration. Its hydrating properties have also made it very popular in the beauty industry. To help educate about its uses, we’ve put together a list of three benefits of hyaluronic acid.
What Is Hyaluronic Acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide, specifically a glycosaminoglycan, produced inside the body. It’s also a humectant, which simply means that it retains moisture. Hyaluronic acid is important for lubrication and hydration of the skin, joints, eyes and connective tissues. It’s also manufactured for skin care purposes. This is typically done via biofermentation of specific types of bacteria. The size of the manufactured hyaluronic acid molecule makes it ideal for skin absorption which increases its bioavailability when used in topical serums and ointments.
Increases Skin Hydration
Hyaluronic acid retains water at a surprising level. 1.25 ml of hyaluronic acid can bind almost seven litres of water. Since almost half of the hyaluronic acid produced by the body resides in the skin, its hydrophilic (water-loving) properties provide the skin with an inordinate amount of hydration. Properly hydrated skin is less likely to show wrinkles, inflammation and ruddiness. Topical applications, oral ingestion and medically supervised injections improve hydration and can lead to younger, fresher-looking skin.
Promotes Skin Elasticity
While skin cells naturally produce hyaluronic acid, applying a topical serum or moisturizer that contains the manufactured version helps the skin to stretch more easily. This results in smoother skin and a reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles. It’s the hydrating effect caused by hyaluronic acid that allows this to happen.
Heals Wounds
Hyaluronic acid plays an integral role in wound healing. It signals the body to extend blood vessels into the wounded area thereby bathing the injury in nutrients and oxygen. Hyaluronic acid is also antibacterial which decreases the chances of infection. If the skin is damaged by acne or other physical harm, hyaluronic acid will help heal the wound faster.