An unfortunate part of being a woman is dealing with unwanted skin conditions. While the good news about cellulite is that it doesn’t impact your health, the bad news is that it can leave your skin looking worse than you would like. Here is how to recognize cellulite and know what to do about it.
What is cellulite
Cellulite is basically just fat deposits under the skin, which over time can result in a lumpy, uneven, and dimpled appearance. To recognize cellulite, you can look for a texture akin to cottage cheese.
We’re all in this together
Almost all women will develop cellulite at some point in their lives. It’s really an inevitable part of being a woman. Cellulite isn’t dangerous, but it can leave some people wanting a change. After all, it’s always nice to have smooth skin.
While diet and lifestyle can play a part in the development of cellulite, it really comes down to genetics. Unfortunately, most people will develop cellulite because they are pre-dispossessed to do so. This means that despite our best efforts, there is little that can be done to prevent cellulite.
Problem areas
Cellulite is most often found in thighs, hips, stomach and buttocks. However, it can also be found in the neck, back and upper arms. Wherever fat deposits can form, cellulite can be found.
Different stages
There are actually 4 different levels of cellulite.
Stage 0: smooth skin and no visible signs of cellulite
Stage 1: a pinch test will reveal lumpy skin
Stage 2: lumps and bumps are visible without using a pinch test
Stage 3: cellulite is visible and there are raised bumps or nodules as well
It can be hard to recognize cellulite because it often forms at the back of thighs, which aren’t always looked at. If you want to try to see what level of cellulite you have, you can use a mirror or ask someone to help identify what your skin looks like.
Cellulite can be treated. One method is velashape, which is a low-impact treatment. It is not painful and can actually be quite relaxing. Velasphape employs 4 different components. This includes radio frequency, infrared light, vacuum, and tissue manipulation. It targets areas with cellulite and the felling is akin to a massage.
It is recommended to have multiple session of velashape, but after just one, the results will be noticeable. The areas with cellulite will be smoother and lumps and bumps will start to be reduced in size. It’s always a nice feeling to see something work so quickly.
Cellulite can continue to form, which is why subsequent treatment sessions are recommended. Once the current cellulite has diminished, future appointments should be booked to ensure that cellulite doesn’t have a chance to grow and spread too much.