Skin rejuvenation can help decrease or even eliminate all types of wrinkles, freckles, sun spots, acne scars, vascular lesions and more while returning elasticity and tone to the skin. One of the major causes of the above listed conditions is the loss of collagen production over time. Collagen is found in abundance in the skin and is, in essence, the component that holds the skin together. When collagen production wanes the skin loses its structural integrity and begins to break down, sag and become susceptible to all manner of unsightly blemishes. But what causes collagen production to slow down in the first place? There are a number of reasons and we’ll go over the most common ones below.
Collagen Production and Skin Rejuvenation Toronto
Collagen is found throughout the body. It’s a foundational protein that holds things together. When you begin to suffer a loss of collagen production it’s most obvious in the skin. It’s a problem we see every day at Leeza’s Skin Rejuvenation in Toronto. Below are the main reasons for this loss of collagen production.
- Aging – Let’s begin with the most obvious reason collagen production slows and that would be aging. While there are myriad scientific reasons to account for the loss of collagen as we age trying to explain them here would take hundreds of pages. Suffice to say as you age collagen production naturally slows. Skin rejuvenation in Toronto at Leeza’s Laser can actually arrest this process and stimulate the production of new collagen that returns luster and elasticity to your skin.
- The Sun – We wouldn’t be much without the sun but at the same time too much of a good thing can be destructive. Overexposure to the sun’s UV radiation causes collagen to break down, resulting in your skin taking on a dry, leathery, wrinkled appearance. While skin rejuvenation can help repair UV damage you can help your own cause by always wearing sunscreen when venturing out.
- Vitamin C – Without adequate amounts of Vitamin C collagen molecules begin to break down and production grinds to a halt. In extreme cases this can lead to scurvy; a serious condition that can cause loose teeth, a tendency to bruise easily and other symptoms. A diet that’s rich in Vitamin C will go a long way toward ensuring maximum collagen production.
- Smoking – The effects of smoking are written on the face for all to see: a dry pallor, lots of lines and wrinkles and premature sagging. This is because smoking starves the skin of oxygen which is essential for collagen synthesis. The longer one smokes the worse the problem will become. Skin rejuvenation in Toronto at Leeza’s Laser can help reverse some of the effects of smoking but anyone wanting to prevent further damage will need to quit smoking too.
The loss of collagen production is one part natural phenomenon, one part behavioural phenomenon. Skin rejuvenation can help revive collagen production in your skin and set you on a path to a healthier appearance. Call Leeza’s Laser clinic today on (416) 485-2737 to find out more.